jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Consulted Websites For The Quizzes



In this blog post, Henry & I will present some quizzes we made, and the links of different websites with multimedia elements and applications, where we got the required information to elaborate questions. The objective is enriching our working tools as teachers, to use them in class, for students/teacher mutual benefit.


Henry & Jonathan's Quiz For Adults:

Directions: There are 12 question items in this quiz, select the right answer out of the three possible.  


In order to solve the quiz, adult learners will first read the article below and then answer the questions. The purpose of the quiz is having reading practice and  the use of memory and logic to select the right answer.



Henry & Jonathan's Quiz For Teens:

Directions: There are 12 question items in this quiz, select the right answer out of the three possible.


Teenagers will answer some questions after watching the movie trailer on youtube. The quiz is about a new movie that might interest students, its difficulty stems from having to remember details, specific information from the audiovisual resource.



Henry & Jonathan's Quiz For Kids:

Directions: There are 12 question items in this quiz, select the right answer out of the three possible.


Kids will answer according to the following youtube video that features a famous cartoon.  The quiz is aimed for audiovisual learners and intends to awaken their interest, as it's a character they most likely know. 



We believe that innovation in the teaching field is a must, thus, using online tools for students to take quiz, is a great example of making the evaluation process easier and less tedious. It is important that students get to know the resources that are available for them to take advantage. 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Jonathan and Henry!
    I enjoyed the interesting article you used to create your first quiz, especially for its amazing pictures. On the other hand, I had troubles finding the quiz; after I clicked on the quiz´s link, this message appeared: “I'm sorry, but the page you're looking for could not be found. Maybe it was moved... try looking around, or maybe try the search box up there in the upper-right area of your screen.” So, I typed: “Earthlike planet quiz” on the search box, and among the options was this one: “Quiz-An Earthlike Planet- YouThink.com" so I clicked on this option and finally the quiz appeared. I could recognize that this quiz was the one because in the short blue line right to the image and name of the quiz said: “8 days ago by Henrycart”. I totally understand this kind of mishaps on this web page because I have experienced a misfortune on it. The quiz that I made for teenagers was suddenly deleted so I had to redo it. Coming back to your quiz again, I think it was cool because I had fun with your statement´s options. Alhuaste haha… oh and I got an A teachers! Here are my results: http://www.youthink.com/quiz.cfm ji-ji.
    The same mishap happened with the second quiz, but in this time I wasn´t able to make it at the first time since when I clicked on: “Quiz- “In Time” Trailer´s Questions- YouThink.com" another quiz appeared; I tried to do it several times, but I got the same result. Among the options was: “johnny8” and I clicked on it because I supposed it was Jonathan´s account; and actually it was Jonathan´s and it was there! I also couldn´t find the "In time video´s trailer" at first so I search it on youtube. The video was very attractive; actually, I´m really excited for watching the all movie! The quiz was very understandable and clever, I got and A by the way!:p
    In the last quiz, I had the same mishaps finding the quiz and the video, but I was already an expert finding missing quizzes and videos by this time. The video was pretty cool and the quiz was difficult for me ha-ha because I didn´t know the characters´names so I got a C. It´s a shame I know! : S
    All in all, I think the tools you used are appropriate for each stage and for each quiz because they are interesting and attractive. And the quizzes´ vocabulary is understandable and also appropriate for each stage.

  2. Let me tell you I really like the cites in which you have based the quizzes. The reading is a good new because after destroying this planet, we can go to the one scientifics have discovered and no `problem. the second one is very nice because when i saw that movie i really liked because it is kind of strange the way they buy things. their lives is like the money and it is measured with a clock in their arms. The third one is very nice because children love that character. It also happened to me that I couldn't open the first quizz. NIce job boys and the questions are easy for each age level to answer.

  3. Thanks guys for your comments, and luckily I was able to fix the links, I didn't understand why they weren't working, and it was b/c of blogger converting parts of the links to other symbols, thus, the links weren't opening, but now they are all working :)
